HeyBox - a friend of taste.

Stella envisioned a brand that would unite the most exquisite and rare coffee varieties from across the globe. Her objective was to acquaint the average consumer with a premium coffee experience, enticing them to indulge in top-tier blends and refined service. Our task was to devise a one-of-a-kind subscription coffee box that encompassed all the qualities that coffee enthusiasts covet.

As the brand strategist and copywriter, alongside Soul Creative Agency, we set out on a quest to establish a brand that would captivate coffee aficionados and taste adventurers, presenting them with the most exhilarating means to effortlessly discover exceptional products.

Following comprehensive research and brainstorming, I conceived the name and tagline that embodied the brand's spirit: "HeyBox - A Friend of Taste." This inspiration propelled the team to create a brand exuding positivity, personalization, and striking aesthetics – from the logo and visual identity to the packaging and website experience.

With the consumer at heart, every aspect of the HeyBox journey was meticulously crafted to ensure that each interaction felt like a visit from a cherished friend, bearing treats thoughtfully chosen to bring joy to the recipient.

HeyBox transcends being a mere box; it represents an act of love and care. It's an experience akin to a warm embrace, inviting subscribers to relish the best of the best every month. All they need to do is sit back, unwind, and savor the extraordinary coffee, secure in the knowledge that they are being looked after by a friend who offers only the finest products—a friend of taste!


Creative Direction: SOUL Creative Agency // Brand Strategist & Copywriter: Me


Lia Olive Oil