Vodafone - #SeriousProblems.

Vodafone TV approached us to develop a concept to promote HBO's high-quality series and increase brand awareness. After researching, we found that many people struggle to find the perfect series to watch and are constantly searching for their next binge-watch fix.

To address this issue, we created an Instagram IGTV show called #SeriousProblems by Vodafone TV, hosted by local influencer Alex Kavdas, a self-professed series lover. In each episode, Alex invited different influencers as guests who faced challenges in finding a series that matched their preferences. Alex helped them discover the perfect series to watch on Vodafone TV while also promoting HBO's lineup.

The campaign proved successful, with a reach of 463K, 310K video views, and 5.5K engagements. The ad recall lift rate was ten times the brand's benchmark, indicating that our approach resonated well with the target audience.


Agency: Solid Havas // Creative Director: Olga Naltsou // Art Directors: Maria Kozari Mela // Senior Creative Copywriter: Me




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